Van Hoose Family

A 42 tournament is held each year at the reunion. The tournament starts after the noon meal ( about 1:15 or 1:30) and continues until a winner is determined. The tournament is double elimination and the strict rules of play are expected. Bids of "Nel-O", "Sevens", "Plunge", etc. are illegal and "table talk" is highly discouraged. The only exception is when a younger player wants to join a team, and the partner agrees, an older player, not entered in the tournament, may help the younger player.

There are prizes awarded for the first and second place teams. To support this tournament a fee of $10.00 per team is collected at sign up. This ensures the funds of the general assembly of the reunion are not used to support the tournament.

Previous Years Winners

1st Place
Alfred Van Hoose and Sammy Van Hoose
2nd Place
Cecil Van Hoose and Harold Barber

1st Place
Cecil Van Hoose and Harold Barber
2nd Place
Kalvin and Othella Black

1st Place
Tommy and Shirley Anderson
2nd Place
J.D. Dunlap and Vern Rueb

1st Place
Jeff Hensley and Wayne Van Hoose
2nd Place
Tommy and Shirley Anderson

1st Place
Dale Van Hoose and Kevin Van Hoose
2nd Place
Alfred Van Hoose and Sammy Van Hoose

1st Place
Dale Van Hoose and Kevin Van Hoose
2nd Place
Cecil Van Hoose and Harold Barber

1st Place
Odell and Reba Alexander
2nd Place
Tommy and Shirley Anderson

1st Place
Wayne Van Hoose and Richard Van Hoose
2nd Place
Cecil Van Hoose and Alfred Van Hoose


1st Place
Cecil Van Hoose and Richard Van Hoose
2nd Place
If anyone knows please send me an email at




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